Home Espresso repair accepts walk-ins, as well as shipped machines. See below our shipping instructions, or contact us for more information.
Shipping Address: 6501 Phinney Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98103
Packing your machine: Drain you boiler – especially during winter months. Package your product in a protective box, double-box your machine. Use bubble-wrap to protect your machine, place in box and fill remaining voids with bubble-wrap in protective box AND between boxes. Insure your package through your shipping carrier for your protection. Retain your tracking number so that you can check the progress of your shipment online.
With your shipment, please include the form found here: Machine Repair Submission Form
Please keep in mind – shipping companies do not like to pay claims. We’ve shipped thousands of machines over the years, and have found that getting the shipping companies to understand that a vintage machine doesn’t HAVE the original packaging, that they are expensive (far more costly than the Mr. Coffee that they think should be the replacement value), that you can’t just go pick one up off the shelf at your local department store, is nearly impossible. Even with insurance for full replacement value and well packed, they will NOT pay the claim. They will take your money to insure, but they will not pay it out.